LOOKINGFOR_US? INSTAGRAM The company’s equipment is more than sufficient Solar energy represents more than just a power sou We specialize in a full range of services for rail STR Power is thrilled to partner on the realizatio Connecting energy systems to the grid establishes Sustainability means living in a way that preserve Photovoltaic systems use solar cells to convert su With unmatched versatility and power, the CAT 308 STR POWER's own suite of equipment provides us wit Solar energy presents a range of significant advan Since 2004, STR POWER has successfully managed cri Behind every milestone and success story is a team At STR Power, our high-performance equipment is vi Another year, another 'Back to School' initiative! In 2023, STR POWER achieved a significant mileston Through strategic use of our machinery's advanced Since 2004, STR Power has also successfully undert STR Power will be closed for summer break. We'll r STR POWER has been active for over 30 years in th For more than three decades, STR Power has been at Follow on Instagram LET'S TALK Name Email Tel. no Message By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website and its use as described in the Privacy Policy.